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Almost six years ago, Raël, the well-known spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, the world's largest UFO-related organization numbering 60,000 members in almost 100 countries, founded Clonaid, the first company offering to clone human beings. In this book, he explains how today's cloning technology is the first step in the quest for eternal life.

Once we can clone exact replicas of ourselves, the next step will be to transfer our memories and personality into our newly cloned brains, which will allow us to truly live forever. Since we will be able to remember all our past, we will be able to accumulate knowledge ad infinitum.

Thus, today, man's ultimate dream of eternal life, which past religions only promised will occur after death in a mythical paradise, becomes a scientific reality. Raël, with exceptional vision, allows us an extraordinary glimpse into an amazing future and explains how our nascent technology will revolutionize our world and transform our lives. For example, he describes how nanotechnology will make agriculture and heavy industry redundant, how super-artificial intelligence will quickly perform human intelligence, how eternal life in a computer will be possible without the need for a biological body, and much, much more.

And as Raël says, don't be mistaken in thinking that this is 22nd-century science fiction. All this will happen within the next 20 years! This is a book written to prepare us for an unimaginably beautiful world turned into a paradise where no one needs work anymore!


So far, the Raelian organization exists in 84 different countries, has over 60,000 members and the messages dictated by the Elohim to Rael have been translated into 25 languages. Just about one third of the projected costs of the embassy have now been accumulated. Raelian Movements around the world are becoming notorious for publicly questioning taboos and creating social changes and the members have been training and organizing themselves so as to orchestrate the multitude of functions necessary for ensuring the Elohim are correctly welcomed and to be able to handle the ensuing political, scientific, religious and social waves that such an historic encounter between two civilisations will create.

The Elohim have expressed their preference for the embassy to be built near Jerusalem. This is one of the places they lived when they originally created human beings and is also where many of the descendants of their sexual unions with human beings also presently live.

Therefore the progress of the embassy has depended partly on the willingness of those controlling Jerusalem to allow ambassadorial status. This is the whole purpose of the State of Israel, to welcome the Mashiach and to establish the Third Temple. The Elohim's Embassy is the true meaning of the Third Temple, the place where Yahweh Elohim will be welcomed and live among humans, and Rael, their ambassador is the one awaited. It is to this embassy that all the great prophets will return with the Elohim, alive and well as predicted in their respective religions.

As can be seen from the calendar of events. . .


